Known for its secret waterfalls and deep forested hills, the Mondulkiri is one of the most environmentally diverse regions of Cambodia. With only 90000 habitants and a few facilities, this land of opportunity inspired us a whole new World-Class project. Our placemaking treatment will connect the business plan with a story that will drive design, marketing, and investing.

A World Worth Sharing

Providing fully-integrated developments means being able to convert our client's and partner's visions and expectations into a reality. In recent years, the price of land in the region has continued to rise and the need for technologically and environmentally appropriate infrastructure will become increasingly important. This is why our expert Design, Project and Financial Teams have masterplanned Romanea’s project with innovative planning, infrastructure, and unique architecture that will turn into one of PPL’s Unforgettable Destinations in Cambodia.

Located near the main town of Sen Monorom, our land of 381 hectares is a prime location for tourism, residential, hotel, and recreational uses. Surrounded by the intense greenery of the area and a perfect natural environment, Romanea offers scenic views of the mountains and a perfect natural environment to become a unique destination dedicated to adventure, sports, and nature.

Aerial View 1
Aerial View 2
The Entrance
River Resort
Residential Area
Trekking Loop
Green Valley View